Monday, April 20, 2020

A BAN On Homeschooling???

 I knew that some people – okay, a lot of people – had some warped ideas about homeschooling. But I didn’t realize that some people thought it was so evil, it should be banned.

One such person is a professor at one of the Ivy League universities. Not wanting to give her more undeserved glory than she’s already gotten for herself, I’m not going to name her. I will, however, comment on a couple of things she said.

Logic doesn’t follow intellect

First of all, she’s called homeschooled children “victims.”

Victims. Hmm. Let’s think about that for a a minute, shall we? Children who are homeschooled get to drink water when they want. They get to go to the bathroom when they need to.

Without begging for permission to do so.

Children who are homeschooled don’t experience peer pressure that leads them into potentially dangerous behaviors. They aren’t bullied…unless the parents are abusive, but this is an exception in the homeschooling world, not the rule. Just like in the world at large.

They aren’t being constantly told what to do and how to do it. They don’t have a constant threat hanging over them if they don’t toe the line. They aren’t forced to sit in a chair for hours every day, while they’re growing bodies beg to move.

Homeschooled children, victims?

No. It’s the children who are sent to day prison – I mean, school – who are victims. I have to wonder what planet this professor is from. She obviously has a very skewed memory of what school was like when she was growing up. And proof that logic doesn’t necessarily proceed intelligence.

She’s oblivious to the truth of institutional education

Another thing this woman said? Parents who homeschool have “authoritarian control over their children.”

Wait, what?? So, schoolteachers aren’t authoritarian? Principals? As a former schoolteacher, I’ve even seen administrative staff and teacher assistants treat students as though they were inmates.

And what does she think parents are for, anyway? To make babies, then let those babies rule the roost?

Oh, wait. Okay. No, parents are to be good little robots that obey the government, sending their children to school to become good little robots. People are a means to an end for the Powers That Be. To work for the government, either directly, or indirectly by enslaving oneself to a corporate job so that the one percent wealthiest people can continue to lord it over the rest of the population, thereby improving the economy, thereby feeding corrupt Big Government.

Even if that’s what she believes, I can’t see how someone who believes that schools are a healthy place to be can also believe that parents aren’t to have any authority in their children’s lives.

If lawmakers won’t ban homeschooling, she says, at least they have to strictly regulate it. Because as we all know, the traditional school curriculum is the be-all-end-all for creating a healthy, happy, and successful human being.

Hold on a minute. So, the government can be authoritarian over children, but not parents?

Or, no. Wait. That’s right. The professor doesn’t care about any of that. She just wants a bunch of government-brainwashed robots.

Or...she might be against parental authority for a reason that has nothing to do with homeschooling per se. She might be against evangelical Christian parents who "force" their children to learn about God and the Bible. How terrible! How dare a parent love their child so much that they teach them about their loving Creator?

She talks out of both sides of her mouth

The woman in question seems to hold two conflicting beliefs. On the one hand, she apparently believes that most homeschooling parents are radical unschoolers, allowing their children to eat sweets all day and not making them brush their teeth. This borders on neglect, and I can see why she would take issue with that. So do I.

But radical unschooling parents are the exact opposite of authoritarian. Indeed, the authoritarian homeschooling parents aren’t doing anything different from government schools! Except, of course, allowing their kids to take care of their physical needs as necessary.

Oh, and, yes, possibly teaching them that God exists.

The professor should think about going into politics. She’s quite adroit at talking out of both sides of her mouth.

Whichever way you slice it, she seems to want children to grow up into non-thinking, apathetic adults who work for the pleasures of the weekend. She'd better be careful what she’s wishing for. Because today’s young children are the ones who will be ruling her world when she’s old.

I can only hope that by then, she’ll be too senile to keep demanding that children be kept imprisoned by Big Government.