I hope I'm not going to hell for all the good intentions I've had in my life.
I'm just not going to be able to put out a daily show on YouTube. God has called me to teach and to write.
Yes, YouTube helps me with the "teach" part, but I am much more inclined to write. I need to focus on where my heart leads.
So here's what I'm going to do: whenever we actually have something interesting going on or I think of something I'd like to teach you, I will do a video.
Uh, kind of like what I was doing before. ;)
But this time, I am going to put my videos under the umbrella of "Our Undeground Life" show, and try not to go more than seven days without putting one out. I am not going to put myself under pressure to create a compilation of our daily lives every day, and not just because I'd rather be blogging.
Frankly, I think the videos have already started getting boring.
If this news disappoints you, thank you for being a raving fan. :) But you have to know that this morning, I was on the verge of taking down the four episodes I'd already had up and never do another show - maybe another video - again.
Perimenopausal mood swings SUCK. But it's so nice for J and B that they don't last all day. ;)
See you 'round.