I had an idea the other day. I know how hard it can be to
find good, clean romance novels – the descriptions don’t always point that out
(mine do!), and sometimes when you search using the keywords “Christian
romance” or “inspirational romance”, you come up with books that are…not.
And many times, when you’re downloading a free book from
Kindle it’s been written by an Indie. Some of those aren’t too great.
So I thought, why don’t I occasionally share the Kindle
works I’ve read and enjoyed recently? Many (if not most) will be “permanently
free on Kindle” books because they are the first in a series. The author hopes,
of course, that if you like the first one you will buy the others (which I do,
on occasion).
Don’t worry! I’ll never recommend a book that isn’t its own
complete story. I hate it when publishers FORCE you to continue the series by
leaving you hanging at the end of a book!
All that said, here is a list of my favorite recently-read
books (all available in the Kindle store, most written by Indie authors):
- Roadtrip To Redemption by Laurie Larson
- Miracles In Disguise by Michelle Lynn Brown
- Out Of Control by Mary Connealy (romantic suspense)
- Jenna’s Cowboy by Sharon Gillenwater – I actually read that a while back, but it was good and so worth mentioning.
- The Old Homestead by Ann Sophia Stephens – This is an old one, and not quite a romance but a fantastic, engaging, and charming story. If I could only come up with a complicated plot with a surprise ending like this! It might make you cry. It’s in the public domain, so it’s free.
Happy reading!
Emily Josephine
PS – I am now in the process of proofing/editing the first
draft of my latest novel. Hooray! :)