We have a cell phone instead of a landline for one reason,
and one reason only: we want the flexibility of a cell phone, and don’t want to
pay for two services. We don’t have a data plan, and our monthly call minutes
are limited. We don’t do a whole lot of talking on the phone, as my mother and
any of my friends can attest. ;)
But I don’t like cell phones. They are unhealthy. They emit
radiation, smart phones being by far the worst culprits in this arena. That
radiation, if you don’t use a device to protect yourself from it, goes straight
into your brain.
Yet the average American scoffs at such information,
claiming that the fact that brain tumor incidences are rising – and that those
tumors usually happen to be on people who talk on cell phones all day long, and
that those tumors usually show up on the same side that the person
always holds the cell phone – are all coincidences.
Typical head-in-the-sand American attitude. Convenience and
instant gratification trump health and well-being every time.
Well, then, explain the recent case of a teenage girl who
went to sleep with her cell phone (likely a smart phone) on her pillow -
AND WOKE UP WITH HER PILLOW ON FIRE! Seriously, that’s how hot the
radiation and electricity make a phone? Are you going to continue to deny the
fact that cell phones are bad for your health?