Monday, April 6, 2015

Why I Don’t Allow Comments

Some of you may have wondered why I have my comments turned off. Blogger gurus call it a big no-no, saying that when you allow comments, people number one, stay on a page longer, making the search engines like you better; and number two, are more likely to come back because they engaged with you – especially if you reply to their comment.

I don’t care what the gurus say. I am keeping four blogs updated right now, and have turned off the comments on all of them. I also no longer allow comments on my YouTube videos.

One reason is spam. In my previous blogging life, even if I had a plugin that makes people do a math problems or check a box before their comment can be submitted I would get spam comments.

Another reason is idiots. I know that sounds harsh, but hang with me for a minute. One of the blogs I let go last year was a natural health blog. A natural health blog, as in, a blog that preaches against conventional medicine, particularly drugs. Yet one time I wrote an anti-antibiotic post, and I got this guy who was clearly into conventional medicine commenting about how wrong I was.

Okay, if it’s a natural health blog, and you’re not into that, then don’t visit natural health blogs!
The biggest reason – and the one that most recently sent me over the edge – is that people think that because they don’t know you personally and they have anonymity online, they can be mean. Vicious, even.

Yes, I know, there are trolls that have too much spare time and go write ugly comments on every blog post and video they see, regardless of their real opinion – or whether they have actually read the post or viewed the video. But not everybody who makes mean comments is a troll.

I have thin skin, people. If you prick me, I bleed. And I have enough stress in my life without you lambasting my looks or my personal decisions like what to do with my suburban front yard. The vast majority of comments I have ever received on either blogs or YouTube have been positive. But somehow, the minority of negative ones hurt so much that the positive ones can’t neutralize them.

That’s why I don’t allow comments. The search engines can go ahead and not like me as much therefore. That’s fine. I blog because I want to, not because I’m hoping for 100,000 visitors a month. If you ever have a positive comment for me and are frustrated because I don’t let you write it, pass on the positive vibes to someone in your life who needs it.

And thanks for the happy thought. :)

Happy reading,

Emily Josephine