Thursday, July 17, 2014

Silence (Mine, Specifically)

I’ve been quiet on this blog lately, and I thought I’d let you in on the reasons so you don’t think that I’ve flaked out and given up on yet another blog. ;)

1. We will have Internet at home in a few months.

On another blog, I talked about my and Jerry’s decision to not have Internet service in our new home. It would save us $20-$30 a month if we just drove into town a couple days a week to check e-mail and do online business.

But as much as I like to say, “I should have been born Amish,” and would like to live in my ideal world where I didn’t need either electricity or the technology that requires electricity, I (and Jerry) have become too accustomed to having the world at my fingertips to give it up so easily. Not only that, but also “everybody else” expects you to be able to check e-mail every day, or get online and do business within an hour. Not having Internet at home while trying to sell our house a few months ago was a Major Pain. Jerry has had to wait until Monday or Thursday to figure out how to get to the airport that is 95 miles away from us in order to pick up…well, that’s a secret for the moment. Heh, heh.

And sometimes, the weather is just so miserable outside and you’re tired of reading and all you want to do is get on YouTube and find some semi-entertaining videos to watch. And as much as I would like Benjamin to get his education the old-fashioned way, some things are much more easily learned via video – like how to make something, or what a breaching whale looks like – than via print media.

So Jerry and I have decided that some time within the next year, we will purchase Internet for our home. (What time, and why not right now is related to the secret mentioned above – don’t worry; I’ll be letting you in on the secret in the months ahead…and NO, I’M NOT PREGNANT.) When we have Internet at home, it will be a lot easier for me to blog. So while I will still publish a post once in a while in the meantime (especially once The Secret is well underway), I’m not going to kill myself trying to keep this blog updated, as well as make Amazon orders, do general research, and answer e-mails, in the short time we are at the local library twice a week.

2. I’m working on my next book.

Writing a book does not always interfere with my blogging, but it always takes priority. And right now, I am at the outlining stages, which requires every ounce of my creative energy, as well as considerable time.

3. I’m tired.

This has to be the most humid summer I’ve ever experienced in my forty-four years (though Jerry, who was raised in central Louisiana, could not make the same claim – anyway, he is not yet forty-four ;) ). I am blessed if I get through a day without completely messing up a meal, breaking a dish, or yelling at Benjamin for no good reason. 

High humidity makes me want to crawl into bed and sleep until it’s gone – and every day from the beginning of May on, except for one that I can think of, the humidity has been above 60%, many (if not most) days above 65%. It’s enough, therefore, for me to be working on a book, let alone trying to get up several blog posts a week.

4. I’m busy.

Partly due to The Secret, and partly due to the fact that I am harvesting an abundance of produce every other day as well as having to keep my 1600-square-foot garden weeded, I have a lot to do these days. Remember, also, that I have a little boy who requires a lot of attention. Remember, too, that I am having to do all this work while being tired.

So please forgive me while I am mostly quiet on this blog for a while. Do click the link on the right sidebar to follow it via e-mail, and come visit whenever you see I have an update. You don’t want to miss out on our family’s big Secret – or my next publication!

Speaking of that, thank you to those of you who have downloaded, read, and reviewed Redeeming Laura. The reviews are at 4.5 stars right now, the first one being a 5-star review which begins, “What a fantastic book!” (Thank you, dear reader!)

If you haven’t read it yet, there’s no time like the present. It’s a reasonable $2.99, as all my books are (my shorter products are even cheaper), and is perfect if you enjoy inspirational romance and/or mail-order bride stories.

Until later,